Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Hi Church!  This is John blogging today.

We did a lot of work in HOT and HUMID conditions.  Frank sanded, mudded and mixed concrete.  Bob cut wood and worked on moulding.  Leah sanded and painted.  I worked outside cutting wood and putting up shielding around an outside utility area.

The Team had two sets of notable visitors today.  The first was Lisa Park from "A Future With Hope" (the organization sponsoring our work).  She brought out Team t-shirts and doughnuts!  She thanked us for our work and also told me that the organization was funded through this year.  She was not sure about funding for next year, so they made need even more volunteers in 2018.

The second set of visitors was more important.  They were Ralph Giles (elder) and Ralph Giles (younger), the father and son who are going to be the owners of our house.  The elder Ralph thanked us and all of the previous teams who have come to New Jersey for working on this project.  He said that without us, he and his son didn't know what they would have done.  We asked Ralph how he was selected for support.  He said he didn't know "They (A Future With Hope) found me!"  What a wonderful testament to the United Methodist Church.

Well gotta go now.  A lobster roll with my name is calling.  Another team member will check in tomorrow.  Bye!!

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